実行委員のご紹介Gifu Joint Degree Symposium 2021 Overview
実行委員長Members of Gifu JD Symposium Organization Committee
国立大学法人東海国立大学機構岐阜大学 副学長(国際担当)
神原 信志Dr. Kambara Shinji
Vice President (International Affairs)
Tokai National Higher Education and Research System, Gifu University
小山博之 学長補佐/グローカル推進機構長、
海老原章郎 副学長補佐/グローカル推進機構副機構長、
柳瀬笑子 グローカル推進機構国際協働教育推進部門長/応用生物科学部教授、
三輪真一 グローカル推進機構特任教授、
青木哲史 グローカル推進機構客員教授、
柴田大輔 グローカル推進機構客員教授、
鈴木史朗 応用生物科学部准教授、
小林信介 工学部教授、
久米徹二 工学部教授、
リムリーワ 工学部教授、
木下幸治 工学部准教授、
ジャ ヒマンシュ セカール 工学部助教、
野々村晴子 学務部長、
小林恵子 学務部国際事業課長
-Professor Yoshihiko Uematsu, Presidential Advisor, Executive Director for GU-GLOCAL
-Professor Hiroyuki Koyama, Vice Presidential Advisor, Associate Director for GU-GLOCAL
- Professor Yoshihito Ueno, Division Head, International Collaborative Education Promotion Division, GU-GLOCAL, Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences
- Specially Appointed Professor Shinichi Miwa, GU-GLOCAL
- Guest Professor Daisuke Shibata, GU-GLOCAL
- Specially Appointed Professor Satoshi Aoki, GU-GLOCAL
- Professor Takahisa Nishizu, Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences
- Professor Shoichi Kutsumizu, Faculty of the Faculty of Engineering
- Associtate Professor Shiro Suzuki, Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences
- Professor Nobusuke Kobayashi, Faculty of Engineering
- Professor Tetsuji Kume, Faculty of Engineering
- Professor Lim Lee Wah, Faculty of Engineering
- Professor Akio Ebihara, Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences
- Professor Emiko Yanase, Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences
- Ms. Haruko Nonomura, Director of the Student Affairs Department
- Shinya Kitano, Manager, International Engagement Division, Student Affairs Department
本シンポジウムの目的と概要Gifu Joint Degree Symposium 2023
Summary & Objectives
この度は「岐阜ジョイント・ディグリー・シンポジウム2023」特設サイトへご訪問いただき心より感謝申し上げます。 本シンポジウムは、「地球課題を解決する人材育成を目指すジョイント・ディグリー」をテーマにオンライン及び対面で開催します。12月7日午後には、東海国立大学機構が主催として開催する「東海国立大学機構JDPシンポジウム」、11月16日~17日の午後には岐阜大学主催の学術セッション、12月8日午後には岐阜大学主催の産官学金連携セッション(岐阜大学シンポジウム)の3部構成となっており、それぞれのステークホルダーに活発な意見交換をしていただけると大変嬉しく思います。 It is a great honor and privilege for me to extend my cordial welcome to this “Gifu Joint Degree Symposium 2023” webinar. For this year’s symposium, we have chosen the theme: “Joint Degree Programs as the Platform of Co-creation .” The symposium includes three main sessions spread over 2 days.
Day 1 – Wednsday, November 30 , 2023 (morning)
Session 1 “THERS JDP Symposium” (Language: Japanese)
This session is hosted by Tokai National Higher Education and Research Systems (THERS). In this session which begins with presentations by guest speakers from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, presenters from universities working for Join Degree Programs (JDP) initiatives will join a panel discussion to share their thoughts on how to develop highly skilled professionals who can assume a key role in academic and business communities.
Day 1 – Wednsday , November 30 , 2023 (afternoon)
Session 2 “Academic Session” (Language: English)
This session is moderated by Gifu University. In this session, presenters will address various programs and projects mobilized under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) efforts which have already been undertaken in Japan, India and Malaysia. Since of the key missions of our international JD programs is “Strategic Scenario for Sustainable Development of Regions,” presenters will address collaborative ways of achieving the goals set by the SDGs. High on the agenda in 2023 will be the promotion of eco-friendly “Green and Smart Technologies” with the focus on “Biomass Utilization Technology for Carbon-free Society”. This participatory session will further explore concrete ideas for developing and utilizing “Green and Smart Technologies” that can potentially accelerate sustainable regional development plans and local industry initiatives.
Day 2 – Thursday , December 1, 2023 (afternoon)
Session 3 “Industry-Government-Academia-Banking Institution Collaboration Session”(Language: Japanese)
This final session hosted by Gifu University explores the key discussions and results in Session 2 and connect them on the theme of industry-government-academia-banking institution collaboration under the theme of “SDGs Case Study” and “Projects in India/Carbon Neutrality” We believe that this session will mark a significant step forward continued success of JD programs and realization of sustainable society in the years to come.
I sincerely look forward to welcoming your participation and hope that this symposium will bring forth fruitful exchanges of knowledge and ideas as we together shape the future of International JD programs in the post-COVID world.